YOUR JFED, in a cooperative effort with our area synagogues, will be holding a community wide commemoration of the tragic events from Israel. We are all still sad, angry, upset. We look for support from the community.
This evening from 5:30 - promptly - to 6:00 PM we will gather over ZOOM and in person - link is below. Pray, sing, and listen to inspiring words. The gathering will end with singing HaTikvah. I hope it will help bring some comfort and hizzuk - strength - to each of you.
Please share this with your college students - children and/or grandchildren.
Details of participating clergy will be in our follow up email.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 1146 8379
Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
Rabbi Paul F. Resnick
Executive Director
Passcode: 07944