In the midst of war, as sirens were blaring almost every day to signal barrages of incoming rockets, Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system tracked and intercepted missiles to help protect and save lives. For Gadi Benjamini, the Iron Dome in January last year inspired the idea behind the development of a system to fight wildfires and prevent them from spreading.
“Similar to a war to fight wildfires, there are the firefighters, which are the infantry. There are airplanes, but darkness makes it harder to fly during the night and also during strong winds, and what we develop is a kind of artillery support,” FireDome co-founder and CEO Gadi Benjamini told The Times of Israel. “The biggest challenge in the climate tech area are wildfires, and more specifically, the reaction to wildfires, because many companies focus on detection.”
“What we develop is a system to enhance firefighters’ abilities and capabilities to address more fires simultaneously, like spot fires and embers and to reach places where sometimes they can’t, due to different logistics constraints that they have,” he added.
Founded in 2024 by CEO Benjamini and Dr. Adi Naor Pomerantz, FireDome is developing a wildfire defense system, modeled after the Iron Dome, that pairs defense tactics and AI technology. Designed to detect and suppress fires, the autonomous patent-pending system is geared to provide two layers of protection.
In response to an alert by the fire department that a wildfire is approaching an area, first, a mechanical stationary launcher releases capsules similar to projectiles that open before impact to disperse eco-friendly fire-retardant to create a protective barrier and block the path of encroaching wildfires. Second, an AI-powered system leveraging computer vision and sensor technology detects and extinguishes spot fires caused by airborne embers that bypass the primary barrier.
“The smart capsules contain sensors that allow us to program the specific location in which they open up, disperse the material in the air above the ground, and create a kind of dome protection around the property or asset, so if a fire approaches, it will block it and we have the second layer to identify and react to spot fires that are ignited by drifting embers,” said Benjamini. “Eventually, the property remains intact and without any damage, similar to how the Iron Dome protects a city or neighborhoods by intercepting missiles before they arrive.”