
21 2024

Sukkot Gathering

10:00AM - 12:00PM  

The holiday of Sukkot, 10.16.24 – 10.24.24, is filled with joy and celebration. In this year of turmoil and uncertainty, it is important to gather with friends. 
Please join our Executive Director, Rabbi Resnick, for a gathering in B’nai Israel’s Sukkah at the Walzer Family Jewish Community Campus on Monday, October 21st, from 10:00 AM to noon. 
Enjoy delicious hot apple cider and Kosher Dunkin' Donuts, along with a complimentary holiday gift bag filled with goodies. This is an opportunity for engaging conversation. Bring your questions about Israel, antisemitism, or any other topics you wish to discuss! 

For those of you who cannot make it in the morning, please join us at 4:00 – 6:00 PM – drop by any time! Kosher wine and cheese will be served.
Come and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the beautiful sukkah. RSVP by Sunday, October 20th at noon to ensure we are well-prepared. You can reach us at cconti@jfed.net or call 203-405-7009. The event will take place at The Jewish Federation of Western CT, located at 444 Main St. North, Southbury, CT 06488. 
We look forward to seeing you there!