For 36-hours beginning at 7:00 a.m. on April 26 to 7:00 p.m. on April 27, you are invited to do something special to support your Jewish Federation of Western CT that serves Greater Waterbury, the Litchfield Hills and the Northwest corner. Let’s continue making this garden grow by the seeds of your donations. The Federation is participating in the 10th annual Give Local campaign!
Your donation goes further during Give Local.
The Jewish Federation will earn bonus dollars for every donor we secure at https://www.givelocalccf.org/organizations/jewish-federation-of-western-ct— making the impact of your giving even bigger. Your Give Local donations can also help the Federation win over $48,000 in exciting cash prizes!
Let's give back, give together and give more on April 26-27!
Support us and watch our garden grow as each seed you plant by giving to the Federation enables us to serve our community all year long.
Your donation of any amount will help:
Campership Grants - for both day and overnight camps for Jewish Children.
College Scholarships - supporting our commitment to education.
The fight against Anti-Semitism and all acts of Hatred.