Join the effort to provide support for the Jews of Ukraine

This is the third time in the last week that we have provided the Jewish community in Western and Northwestern Connecticut with an opportunity to respond to the massive, and still growing, humanitarian needs resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I know that many of you have already answered the call, and we are extremely grateful. Your Federation has allocated funding to the Ukraine relief fund as well. So far, Jewish Federations across North America have raised about $8,000,000 toward the projected goal of $20,000,000 that is expected to be necessary to support the approximately 200,000 Jews of Ukraine.

This effort is a reminder of the value of the Jewish Federation system. Jewish Federations across North America not only serve the needs of local Jewish communities like ours. Jewish Federations, by virtue of our partnership relationships with the Joint Distribution Committee, the Jewish Agency for Israel, World ORT and other Jewish organizations operating throughout the world, are in a uniquely good position to provide immediate financial support where and when it is most desperately needed.

If you haven’t yet contributed to the Ukraine Relief Fund, please consider doing so now. Just click on the Ukraine Relief link below to make your gift. 100% of your gift will go to helping people who are truly suffering. Thank you!