Community Blog

Messages from the Federation of Western CT

The General Assembly - Washington D.C.


Us at the 2024 General Assembly: United in Community!

From rising antisemitism to Israel at war, the Jewish community faces immense challenges, but we can rise above them together.

The 2024 General Assembly, being held in Washington D.C. from Nov. 10-12th, is our chance to come togeth…

Three Philadelphia athletes felt the ripples of evil from the massacre

As security comes into focus for this year's Paris Games, here's a look at how three area Olympians learned about and coped with the terrorist siege against the Israeli team.

by Mike Sielski | Columnist

Published July 8, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET

It is impossible, as the Summer Olympi…

Dignity Grows Packing Party

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported during our Dignity Grows Packing Party alongside B'nai Israel Sisterhood!
This community-wide, intergenerational program addressed the issue of Period Poverty. Each participant packed tote bags with feminine hygiene products, which were…

Yom HaShoah Commemoration 2024

On Monday, May 6th our community came together for our annual Yom HaShoah Commemoration Service. This year’s program held special meaning, as it not only provided a way to remember lives lost in the Shoah, as well as a way to remember those lives lost on October 7th.

Our pro…

How October 7th Changed Israel and the Jewish World!

The Jewish Federation of Western CT was proud to be one of the sponsors for Thursday, May 9, 2024 program, “How October 7 Changed Israel and the Jewish World” with guest speaker, Yossi Klein Halevi.

The program was kicked off, with a rally, outside the Federation Building, with …