Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism Careers

The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism catalyzes dynamic new solutions to stop the age-old hatred advanced by those who seek the elimination of Judaism and the Jewish people and the modern movement to destroy the world’s only Jewish State. The foundation focuses on positively impacting attitudes of young people around the world, leveraging social media to deliver educational campaigns and spur action by people of all backgrounds. Working with a network of global partners, the foundation helps drive effective rapid response to hate as well as proactive campaigns that galvanize popular support for Jews and the Jewish State. The foundation’s vision is a world where people of conscience unite to end anti-Semitism once and for all. By effectively combatting the rise of anti-Semitism, notably online and through social media, the long term goals of the foundation include creating a replicable model for fighting other forms of prejudice, racism and hate crimes.

FCAS launched its first public facing initiative, [tbh] Together Beat Hate, in August 2020. [tbh] is a movement that encourages young people of all backgrounds to join the fight against all forms of hatred. We believe the only effective, systematic way to overcome hatred, prejudice, and bias is to build bridges between peoples and communities through direct engagement and compassionate, impactful education. History has shown that whenever Jew hatred emerges, it is a sign of a fraying democracy. It demands from all of us a sense of shared responsibility. We know that antisemitism cannot be solved solely by the Jewish community — the same way that racism cannot be solved solely by the Black, Brown, Hispanic, or Asian communities, and homophobia cannot be solved solely by the LGBTQ+ community. When we recognize our shared humanity and feel a sense of collective responsibility for one another, we can together beat hate. This can be accomplished by listening to individuals with different lived experiences, learning from diverse perspectives, and educating one another on how to build compassion and intentional engagement across communities.

[tbh] is leading this effort in the following ways:

  • Meeting young people where they are — on digital and social platforms — by creating content around antisemitism and other forms of hatred, bigotry, and prejudice in a way that invites learning, exploration, and engaging in the conversation.
  • Utilizing advanced technology in the [tbh] Command Center to monitor antisemitism conversations across 300 million online sources and create content in real time based on trending topics.
  • Empowering individuals and community organizations by supporting initiatives that incentivize creative approaches to combating antisemitism and other forms of bigotry, prejudice, and hatred.